Unfortunately, we are not able to ship internationally.
- Orders for multiple items or multiple quantities of a single item may take longer to assemble and may be shipped in more than one shipment.
- Orders are shipped using USPS Priority Mail.
- We do NOT offer expedited shipping at this time.
- Shipping charges are not refundable on returned items.
Your order will be acknowledged via email once it has been placed. Once your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email including tracking information. If the tracking number confirms that the item has been delivered to your order address but you have not received your order, please contact the appropriate courier in order to investigate the issue.
We cannot be held accountable for packages where tracking information states the package has been delivered to your order address. Team Gazelle reserves the right to decide whether to send replacement item(s) to you.
*Team Gazelle is not responsible for packages that are lost or damaged during transit.*